
Małe Rzeczy Assocciation Statute


Chapter 1

General Provision


1.      The Association uses the name “Małe Rzeczy” Association, here in after referred to as the Association

2.     the members of the association may be natural as well as legal persons

3.     The Association is located in Inowrocław and association functions within the borders of the Republic of Poland.

4.     For the purpose of realization its aims the association may function within territories of other states with respects to local laws

5.     The Association is established for the unspecified time, has legal body and operates under the provisions of the Act of 7th April 1989 law on Associations (Journal of laws f 2001, No. 79, item 855, as amended) and this Statute. 

6.     The Association may become a member of national and international organizations with similar aims and means of functioning.

7.     The Members of the management board of Association may receive remuneration, The Association may also employ the employees to manage Association affairs and hire volunteers in accordance with the rules of law. 

8.     The Association may employ Association members on a contract of employment or on the basis of a civil law contract, with regard to the amount of remuneration, that is being determined by Management Board resolution

9.     The Association may perform business activity on the basis of the provisions of law and this statute and, moreover, business activity may also be carried out through participation in commercial companies or civil partnerships or foreign companies.

10.   The association may use its trademark, that’s sigh, stamps and logo in accordance with the rules specified in the special provisions.



Chapter 2

Aims and methods of operation


1.     The aim of the Association is to support people in a difficult life, health or social situation, especially, children, young, elderly, disabled, and families in need of support regardless of the cause and circumstances which led them to their unfavorable condition.  The Association realizes its goals by financing and providing specialized medical treatment, rehabilitation, and other specified in the statues of the organization services to abovementioned individuals.

2.     The Association fulfils its aims through:

–the assistance to finance and organization of general as well as specialized treatment, such as rehabilitation and psychological/ pedagogical/ occupational therapies 

- professional nursing assistance for dependent people requiring nursing care
- professional assistance of disabled people caretakers on day-to-day basis

- organization of cultural events, theatrical performances and educational forums

- organization of psychological as well as occupational workshops also with the use of drama technics

- organization of creative and artistic workshops, trips, lectures, and seminars

- organization of psychological and therapeutic assistance for the most deprived persons

- organization of workshops to promote wellbeing, disease prevention, combating addictions and social rehabilitation

- organization or various forms of health care help such as rehabilitation, medical assistance for disabled, victims of the accidents, the elderly, children and adults suffering from an incurable disease

- vocational activation for people in unfavourable life circumstances, socially excluded

- publishing books, brochures, magazines, brochures related to the Association’s objectives,

- non-financial support for deprived families; that’s provision of food supplies, clothing, hygiene products and medical dressings

- organization and promotion of cultural exchange through organization of workshops, trips, seminars, conferences, summer camps and events of other not specified character

- organization of conferences, lecture, seminars and events related to health care, disease prevention, combating addictions

- granting scholarships to children and young people with special talents who, due to financial insufficiency cannot fully develop their talents and pursue their professional careers

- providing disabled individuals with assistance in raising funds for their rehabilitation, special treatment, orthopaedic and rehabilitation equipment,

- performance of charitable and educational activities aimed at the promotion of wellbeing, the education of children with disabilities/suffering from incurable diseases /chronically ill or children derived from poor, marginalizing backgrounds

- providing assistance to excluded people from deprived social backgrounds that due to difficult financial situation has limited access to medical services, rehabilitation, psychological help or nursing care services

- performance of activities aimed at prevention of social exclusion of children and adolescents

- provision of psychological/ therapeutic aid for people that faced traumatic experiences, suffer from mental illness/ or posttraumatic stress syndrome,

- promotion and organization of voluntary service  

- provision of charity service for the poor, the elderly, infirm persons regardless of the cause of their social depravation

- organization of activities, that’s occupational/ physical therapies, rehabilitation   aimed at integration and activation of the disabled, the elderly and other people specified within this statute

- organization and financing of medical services and medical rehabilitation

- equipping specialised facilities with medical/ rehabilitation equipment, cleaning agents

- building specialized medical branches, medical and rehabilitation facilities

- organization and financing of trainings, lectures, training programs

- providing financial assistance to people in need of financial support and their caretakers

- undertaking all initiatives authorized by law to obtain financial means for carrying out activities specified within this statute

- organization of charity events, festivals, auctions, concerts, exhibitions and theatrical performances

- sale of goods and services produced by statutory activities of the persons and caretakers for raising the total income for conducting statutory purposes

- carrying out activities aimed at collecting funds for statutory purposes through organization of fundraising events, via electronic devices, mass media, and advertising,

- providing disabled people with the accessibility to participate trainings required for changing or acquiring new work occupation

- as well as other not stated within this status actions and initiatives aimed at achieving the statutory objectives


3. The Association may conduct business operations from which the income will be exclusively used to carry out statutory purposes, in particular the Association may conduct business activity in accordance with the Polish Classification of Activities (that’s PKD), in the following areas:

- 82.30.Z Activities related to the organization of exhibitions, congresses

- - 90.03.Z Artistic and literary creative activity

- 90.02.Z Activities requiring the display of artistic performances

- 93.29.Z Other non-specified entertainment and leisure activities

- 77.4.Z Lease of intellectual property and similar products, including copyrighted works

- 86.90.A Physiotherapeutic activity

- 86.90.E Other health care activities not classified elsewhere

- 90.01.Z Activities involving the display of artistic performances

- 59.11.Z Motion picture, video and television program production

- 90.0 Creative activities related to culture and entertainment

- 84.12.Z Operation within the fields of health care, education, culture and other social services, excluding social security,

- 85.51.Z Other forms of sports, sport education and leisure activities

- 85.59.A Teaching Foreign languages

- 85.59.B Other extracurricular forms of education, not elsewhere classified,

- 85.60.Z Activities supporting and promoting education

- 86.10.Z Hospital activities

- 86.21.Z General Medical Practice

- 86.22.Z Specialist Medical Practice

- 86.23.Z Dental Practice

- 86.90.Z Physiotherapy

- 86.90.C Nurse and Midwives practices

- 86.90.D Paramedical activity

- 86.90.E Other health care activities not specified elsewhere

- 87.10.Z Social assistance including provision of accommodation and nursing care


- 87.20.Z Social Assistance in provision of accommodation for people with mental disorders

- 87.30.Z Social Assistance in provision of accommodation for the elderly and the disabled

- 89.90.Z Other social assistance including accommodation

- 88.10.Z Social assistance excluding accommodation for the elderly and the disabled

- 88.91.Z Activities involving childcare

- 88.99.Z Other social assistance without accommodation not specified elsewhere,

- 90.04.Z Activities relating to cultural facilities

- 99.13.Z Activities aimed at improving physical fitness

- 93.29.Z Other entertainment and leisure activities

- 96.04.Z Entertainment activities related to physical fitness

- 96.09.Z Other service activities not classified elsewhere

- 58.11.Z Publishing books

- 81.10.Z Auxiliary activities related to maintaining and cleaning buildings

- 81.21. Z Other activities linked with sanitary preservation

- 81.29.Z Service activities related to the development of green areas

- 41.10.Z Realization of construction projects related to the erection of buildings

- 41.20.Z Construction work on residential and non-residential buildings

- 43.11.Z Activities related to disassembling and demolition of buildings

- 43.12.Z Activities related to preparation of sites for building or redevelopment



Chapter 3

Members their rights and obligations

1.      Both natural persons and legal entities may become members of the Association, where legal entity may be the solely the supporting member of the Association.

2.      The association includes following members:

-       Full Member

-       Contributing Member

-       Member of Honour

3.     A full Member of the Association may become any natural person that fulfils following conditions:

a) submits a membership application in written form

b) receives a positive evaluation of at least two members of the Association.

4.     A title and privileges of a Full Member are bestowed upon individual after submission of the written declaration on the basis of a resolution given by the Association Board.

5.     A Contributing Member may become any natural or legal person that declares financial, material or substantive help aimed at the realization of the objectives of the Association

6.     A title and privileges of a Contributing Member are bestowed upon individual on the bases of the submission of a written declaration complying with the resolution of the Association Board.

7.      A Member of Honour may become any natural person that made great contributions to the activity and development of the Association.

8.     Members of Honour are admitted by the General Assembly or the Ordinary Assembly upon request of at least 4 members of the Association.

9.     Full members of the Association are entitled to:

            a) active and passive voting rights for the Association’s Management Board

            b) usage of the financial and non-financial achievements, assets and other forms of activities of the Association 

            c) participation in gatherings, lectures and events organized by the Association 

d) submission of the application for the activities of the Association

10.  Association members ought to:

a) Actively participate in the activities of the Association and realization of its objectives 

            b) Act in accordance with the Association’s statue and resolutions

            c) Pay regular contributions and other financial benefits required by the Association

11.  Contributing Members and Members of Honour do not possess passive and active voting rights, but may act on the basis of an advisory vote within a statutory authorities of the Association, besides they possess the same rights as Full Members.

12.  Contributing Member is obliged to perform declared benefits, obey the statutes and resolutions of the Association.

13.  Members of Honour are exempt from membership fees

14.  The membership can be terminated due to:

a) written resignation submitted to the board of the Association

b) dismissal by the board of the Association for the following reasons:

       - conduct that is contrary to the statute, regulations or aims of the Association, or

grossly infringing on the general principles of social interaction

15.  notorious failure to active participation in the work of the Association

16.  non-payment of contributions for a half year

17.  a written request of at least three members of the Association

18.  acts or omissions that violate the good name of the Association, reputation of the Association or public trust in the Association,

19.  Disclosure of confidential date relating to the Association not intended for the public information, third parties or third entities without the written consent of the Board of the Association, with the exception where disclosure of such dates is based on the law and on the request of authorized bodies

c) loss of civil rights under a finale court judgement

d) death of the Association member or loss of the legal status of a legal personality participating as a legal person

20.  A person whose membership was terminated for aforementioned reasons listed has the right to make an appeal from the management's decision to the General Member Assembly of Association. Resolution of the General Assembly is final and is taken by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the members.


Chapter 4

Association Authorities


1.     The Association’s Authorities are formed by:

a)    General Member Assembly

b)    Management Board

c)     Review Panel

2.     The term of the office

3.     The term of office of all elective bodies of the Association lasts five years, and their election is performed by an open voting of absolute majority in the presence of at least half of the Members of the Association

4.     Resolutions of the General Assembly of the Association other than those associated with the election of the authorities shall be adopted by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the members entitled to vote, unless further provisions of the Statute provide otherwise.

5.     The General Assembly of Members is the supreme authority of the Association.

6.     Participants of the General Member Assembly include:

a)    With statutory voice- Full Members

b)    With advisory voice- legal entities as Contributing Members and Members of Honour

7.     General Member Assembly may be ordinary and extraordinary

8.     Ordinary General Member Assembly is convened once a year by the board of the Association on the date and place specified at least 7 days prior to the date of the meeting and directed to all the Members of the Association in the form of an e-mail, announcement in the Association's headquarter or on the Association's website.

9.     Extraordinary General Member Assembly may be held at any time and is convened by the Board of the Association on its own initiative or at the request of the Reviewers or at the written request of at least 1/3 of the total number of Full Members of the Association.

10.  The competences of the General Member Assembly are as follows:

a)    determine the main directions of activity and development of the Association

b)    passing the statue and all changes therein

c)     appointing and dismissing all the authorities of the Association

d)    granting discharge to the Board of the Association at the request of the Review Panel

e)     examining reports on the activities of the Board of the Association and Review Panel

f)     Passing the budget

g)    Deciding on the amount of membership fees and all other payments to the Association

h)    Adopting resolution on the admission of a Member of Honour

i)      Examining and approving the reports of the Association

j)      processing of request and concerns expressed by members of the Association or its authorities

k)      Adopting a resolution on dissolution of the Association and the allocation of its assets

l)      adaptation of resolutions on any case brought on the agenda, in all matters not reserved for other authorities of the association

11.   The Board of the Association is appointed to manage the entire activity of the Association and resolutions of the General Assembly and also acts as a main representative of the Association

12.  The Board of the Association consists of 1 to 3 people. The President and Vice- President elect the board of the Association from among its members

13.  Board meetings are held as required, but not less frequently than once a month. Meetings of the Board shall be convened by the President of the Association.

14.  The competences of the Board of the Association are as follows:

a)    Implementation of the objectives of the Association, realization of the budget of the Association

b)    Implementation of the resolutions of the General Member Assembly

c)     Drawing up work plans and budgets, drafting required statutory reports

d)    Management of the assets of the Association

e)    Adoption of the resolutions on the acquisition, sale or encumbrance of assets of the Association

f)     Public representation of the Association

g)    Summoning of the General Member Assembly meetings

h)    Appointing and dismissing members of the Association

15.  The Review Panel is an organ created in order to supervise the Association’s activities

16.  The Review Panel consists of 3 members

17.   The tasks of the Review Panel are as follows:

a)     supervising the activities of the Association

b)    presenting the Board of the Association with the conclusions from the conducted inspections

c)     ordering an extraordinary General Members Assembly

d)    Proposals for discharge to the Association

e)     reporting on its activities at the General Members Assembly

18.  In the event that the composition of the Association's authorities is reduced during the term of office, the composition of the Association may be supplemented by the co-optation performed by remaining members. Using this mode there may be appointed not more than a half of the Association body.



Chapter 5

Association Funds and Assets

1.     The Association’s assets originate from:

a)    Member fees

b)    Donations, bequests and inheritances,

c)     grants, subsidies and public generosity,

d)    Public funding

e)     Income from the business activities of the Association

f)     Deposits

g)    Funds collected at charity auctions

h)    The proceeds of the lease, the lease of property of the Association

i)      Income from movable and immovable property of the Association

2.     All funds may only be held in the account of the Association.

3.     The entire income of the Association shall be devoted to statutory activity.

4.     The association carries out financial management in accordance with applicable laws.

5.     Decisions on the acquisition, disposal and encumbrance of assets of the Association are taken by the Board of the Association, while the President of the Association may independently decide on the acquisition, disposal and encumbering of the Association's assets up to PLN 50,000, in words: fifty thousand polish zlotys, while decisions on acquisition, disposal and encumbering of the Association's assets above the amount of PLN 50,000, in words: fifty thousand polish zlotys require the consent and at the same time the resolution of at least two Members of the Association Board acting jointly.

6.     To conclude contracts, granting power of attorney and submitting other statements, in particular, in matters of property shall require signatures of two members of the Board of the Association acting jointly, with the exception of powers of attorney granted to professional attorneys.



Chapter 6

Final arrangements 


1.     The resolution on the amendment of the statute and resolution on dissolution of the Association is adopted by the General Members Assembly by qualified majority (2/3), with the presence of at least half of the eligible voters.

2.     By adopting a resolution to dissolve the Association, the General Member Assembly shall determine the manner of its liquidation and the allocation of assets of the Association.

3.     In matters not regulated in this statute, the provisions of the Law on Associations shall apply.

4.     The Association maintains its accounting records in accordance with applicable regulations.

5.     The Association prepares and publishes its annual financial statements based on the actual accounting regulations in force.

6.     In the case of passing a resolution on liquidation of Association of Assets liquidated Association goes to social purposes.

7.     Adoption of a resolution to dissolve the Association authorizes the General Member Assembly to determine the method of liquidation and the selection of the liquidator and allocation of the assets for social purposes

8.     In matters not converted by these provisions the law on associations, public benefits and volunteer activities shall apply.

9.     Statute shall enter into force on the day of its adoption, with effect from the date of registration in the National Court Register.


Association Małe Rzeczy

  • ul. Staropoznańska 131-133
    88-100 Inowrocław
  • Phone: +48 669 506 038
  • E-mail:

KRS: 0000673917
NIP: 5562768594
Regon: 367184599
Date of registration: 2017-04-28